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Workflow using the Drupal UI

Creating and managing content in Drupal using the UI (User Interface) involves several steps. Here's a general workflow:

  1. Login and Access Dashboard:
    • Open your web browser and navigate to the URL of your Drupal website.
    • Log in using your credentials to access the administrative dashboard.
  2. Create Content:
    • Once logged in, navigate to the "Content" section on the administrative toolbar.
    • Click on the "+ Add content" button to start creating new content.
  3. Choose Content Type:
    • Drupal supports various content types such as articles, pages, blogs, etc.
    • Select the appropriate content type for your content. Each content type might have different fields and settings.
  4. Fill in Content Details:
    • A form will appear with fields specific to the selected content type.
    • Fill in the title, body text, images, and any other relevant information.
    • Depending on your website's configuration, there might be additional fields for tags, categories, etc.
  5. Format Content:
    • Use the built-in text editor to format your content using headings, lists, links, and other formatting options.
    • Upload and insert images or videos as needed.
  6. Preview and Save Draft:
    • Before publishing, use the "Preview" option to see how your content will appear to users.
    • If the content isn't ready for publishing, you can save it as a draft to work on later.
  7. Set URL Path and Publish Options:
    • Configure the URL path for the content. This is the part of the website's address that users will see.
    • Configure publishing options such as the publication date, whether to promote to the front page, and more.
  8. Categorize and Tag:
    • Depending on your website's setup, you might need to categorize your content using taxonomy terms (categories and tags).
    • Select relevant categories and add tags to make your content easier to find.
  9. Review and Publish:
    • Review your content to ensure all the details are accurate and the formatting is correct.
    • If you're satisfied, click the "Publish" button to make the content live on your website.
  10. Edit and Update Content:
    • If you need to make changes to existing content, navigate to the "Content" section and locate the content you want to edit.
    • Click on the content title to access the editing interface.
    • Make necessary changes and save the updated content.
  11. Manage Media and Files:
    • Drupal allows you to manage media files like images and videos separately from content.
    • Use the "Media" section to upload, organize, and manage media files.
  12. Additional Configurations:
    • Depending on your site's requirements, you might need to configure other settings such as menus, blocks, user roles, and permissions.
  13. User Management:
    • Manage user accounts and permissions through the "People" section.
    • Create, edit, or delete user accounts and assign appropriate roles and permissions.

Remember that the exact steps and options may vary depending on your Drupal version and any custom configurations your website might have. Additionally, Drupal's user interface might evolve over time, so referring to the official Drupal documentation for your specific version is always a good idea.